
The last few weeks have been exhausting with me trying to nurse my broken heart. Heartache came in my life disguised as strong winds that ruthlessly ripped my town apart in seconds. What was left was a bunch of us living in an unrecognizable place, trying hard to love the ruins as much as we loved our home, Paderborn.

Paderborn was hit by a tornado two weeks ago and a major part of the town center was destroyed in seconds. While the antique old buildings still stand firm, many of them lost their roofs to the winds. At most other places, trees fell and injured several people. Knowing fully well how therapeutic writing is for both of us, my sister suggested that I write a blog post about how the tornado affected me. So here I am, keeping this blog real and sharing this emotional journey with you all.

The core tornado passed a hundred meters north of my apartment, and my favorite place in the town took a direct hit. Even as I write this I don’t know which among those two sounds scarier, but both of them were equally difficult to deal with. We had no idea that the strong winds we encountered were, in fact, a tornado! But I remember hearing the fire brigade sirens ten minutes after the winds passed by our street. My colleagues sent me photos of the town and of my damaged neighborhood. Some people weren’t as lucky as I was, and their apartments suffered a lot of damage.

Paderquellgebiet, my most favorite place in all of Paderborn, was affected the most! It is a stone’s throw away from my apartment, and hence is visible through my window. A quick glance out my window is a harsh reminder of what I could have lost, and what I actually lost. When I visited the park for the first time after the tornado, I was weak in the knees. I was aghast at what nature had done within seconds. The thought of being just meters away from destruction gave me chills. The park used to always be abuzz with families and pets playing all around. The fallen trees and the silence of the park haunted me. Once my mind had processed what had happened, I cried in verse:

Look me in the eye, tell me -
how did you dare

to shower me with joy
and replace it with despair?

A whiff of strong winds
could have been a breeze

till it vengefully vowed
to mar my memories.

The place I loved with all my heart
may never look the same.

I mourn the loss, not knowing
who should take the blame!

So tell me, mother nature
was it really fair

to shower me with joy
and replace it with despair?

Paderquellgebiet after the Tornado

Left to Right: Paderquellgebiet Before vs After the Tornado

I think the ruins in this park got to me the most, because I realized that this part of Paderborn will never look the same while I live here. All the buildings will be repaired soon, but it will take years for the trees to grow back. I have spent many sunny afternoons in this park, sitting under a tree reading poetry. Since it is just across my apartment, it is my go-to spot for some peace and quiet. I was hoping to show this place to my people when they finally visit me. My partner had to assure me that they all would love the place nevertheless, because it is so close to my heart.

Fall palette, summer sunshine and post tornado scenes in Paderquellgebiet

I am slowly learning to love the new Paderquellgebiet. Yes, most trees have fallen but that hasn’t dampened people’s enthusiasm even one bit. The park is still abuzz with families and pets who spend sunny afternoons here. Broken things need to be loved more, and it warms my heart to see my neighborhood doing just that.

Left to Right: Paderquellgebiet Before vs After the Tornado

A sunny Sunday afternoon at Paderquellgebiet

My colleague who lives in my neighborhood told me he was sad he didn’t enjoy this area more often, despite living right across it. I am very happy I took time out to “stand and stare” and document these memories. This park will always be my “happy place” in Paderborn, and my relationship with it is too strong to be crushed by a tornado. This tornado gave me a chance to get reacquainted with my town, and I will never take this second chance for granted!